
(First time) start up

To start JOSF, open the directory where you’ve installed JOSF and open Start JOSF. This starts two things:

  • Your browser, that navigates to the JOSF app; and,
  • If you are running JOSF 2.14 or lower, a PowerShell that hosts the JOSF API.

Note that JOSF 2.15 does not open the execution powershell. For any version lower than that, the PowerShell will stay open and must not be closed during the use of JOSF. To quit JOSF, you can press `ctrl + c` in the PowerShell to exit properly.

Note: Since clicking in a PowerShell, pauses the execution, avoid clicking in the PowerShell window. If there has been clicked, the window title of that PowerShell window will state Select. Undo this by clicking once more with your right mouse button.


JOSF logging will be stored in a josf.log file in the api/log directory. The logging stores debugging information and can be sent with, when requesting support. If you require support for anything, it could be helpful to send this log file with your support request.

From JOSF version 2.15, it is also possible to view the logging from the Preferences window.

Web drivers

JOSF automatically downloads required drivers to use your system’s web browsers during its startup phase. This requires some URL’s to be available (whitelisted), and JOSF will warn you when it wasn’t able to download specific drivers.


If for some reason it’s not possible to whitelist these URLs in your environment, contact the JOSF team to help with possible work arounds.

In this document